Joep Wanders doet verslag

Samen met Remco heb ik een eerste controle gedaan van de allereerste ABC Trial. 

Remco heeft het leeuwendeel van de rally uitgezet, ik één traject mét Special erin.

Een aparte ervaring, na 12 jaar zélf aan het roer van de ABC gestaan te hebben... maar een mooie! 
Zonder teveel te verklappen kan ik wel zeggen dat er een érg aantrekkelijke rally voor de deur staat met de ABC van 26 september. Veel leuke kaartleessystemen, serieus mooie routes met voor elke klasse voldoende uitdaging, proefjes en een prima tijdschema gaan de deelnemers een hoop plezier bezorgen. 
Plus dat er goed is nagedacht over de corona situatie: niemand hoeft zich druk te maken dat hij of zij mogelijk in een onaangename situatie terechtkomt, er is altijd voldoende ruimte om afstand te houden en tóch het gevoel te hebben dat je samen een rally rijdt. Knap!
Kortom: ik kan trots zijn op Classic Events met de organisatie van deze ABC. Voor als je al ingeschreven staat: dat heb je goed gedaan!  Voor wie nog niet heeft ingeschreven: laat deze kans vooral niet voorbijgaan en doe mee! Wél snel, er zijn nog maar één paar (start)plaatsjes vrij...

Joep Wanders

Start the New Year with Classic Events...

The New Year Trial geeft verder invulling aan rallykalender van Classic Events.

Er vanuit gaande dat de Coronacrisis op dat moment grotendeels achter ons ligt, gaat op vrijdagmiddag 8 januari de eerste rally van 2021 van start: The New Year Trial. Een compacte rally waarin het beste van rally’s zoals de WinterTrial, de Rally of the Test en de Belgian Westhoek Classic is samengevoegd tot een voor Nederland unieke rally, waarin meer dan in andere rally’s rijder en navigator samen het resultaat bepalen.


En natuurlijk is er ruim gelegenheid om het nieuwe jaar te vieren met je rally vrienden en vriendinnen. READ MORE

Arctic Circle Postponed!

Hello Paddock

For the first time in 20 years of organizing rallies we have to change a date of one of our events. We have not taken this decision lightly. Coronavirus has the world in a choke hold and there is no real prospect as to when this will end. Unfortunately, the current restrictions being imposed by the governments of most of the countries we would pass in the rally means it is no longer possible to organize the Arctic Circle Rally this year.

No one can be sure as to how this will develop in the next few months. This uncertainty,  in combination with  large growing financial obligations, has led us to the conclusion that it is best for all involved that we postpone the event.
Looking at things from your point of view; once we will all be able to return to our “normal” life there are businesses to be saved and possibly more pressing things to return to than rallying.

We apologize for this drastic measure but we believe it is the right and necessary one!

Some events have decided to move to the autumn or even early winter of this year, but as the goal of this event is to reach the Arctic Circle on the longest day of Midsummer, we believe the best option is to move to 12 – 27 June 2021. Safer for both your health and that of us as organizers and volunteers, but also because the rally calendar will be pretty full in the second part of the year and we would not want you to have to cancel your entry.

The route is ready, all equipment ordered, down payments made for lunches and hotels so a lot of the cost has already been paid for. All entries will naturally be transferred to the new date without extra charge. 

The positive side of this - because we always look for the positive - is that we now have the possibility to check for extra rooms in the chosen hotels and therefore create more space for your friends to enter the event in 2021!

We trust that, given this extraordinary worldwide situation that affects us all, you understand and support this decision.

Should you have any further questions regarding this decision, we are more than happy to answer them by either email or phone. In the meantime please stay healthy, and we wish you and your loved ones the very  best of luck getting through these difficult times.

Met Vriendelijke Groet, Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Ystävällisin terveisin
Best Regards, Med vennlig hilsen, Cordialement,

Timo Rietbergen

Remco Luksemburg new route designer Classic Events

Starting March 1st 2020 the Classic Events team will be strengthened with a new team member, Remco Luksemburg.

Remco is an experienced navigator in classic rally’s, with successes in both smaller and bigger events. His biggest success is winning both the Tulpenrally and the 

SLS Classic. 
At Classic Events Remco’s main task will be route designer, starting with the Winter Trial 2021. We are proud to have him on our team and confident about the future cooperation!

“I am really looking forward to this new challenge and cooperation with Timo. Being able to work fulltime on designing rallies is a great step for me. This give me the real opportunity to make a living out of my hobby” says Remco. Regarding the Winter Trial, he has to follow in the footsteps of Mark Appleton who has done an incredible job over the last 15 years. “My objective is to make this event just as good as the previous editions without changing the DNA of the rally. So no worries for the competitors, you will not see a lot of changes and the difficulty level will absolutely stay the same.”


At Classic Events we believe that classic motoring is more than Classic Rallying.

We try to cater all sorts of needs with the different events we organise from a very sociable Beach to Bridge Liberation Rally to the very competative Winter Trial and from Paris to Amsterdam in a pre-war car. More events are planned for the future to widen our range and you may excpect a variety of regularity rallies on National grounds as well as abroad.

In all our events we do not lose sight of the highly sociable character of classic motoring and we therefor alway's find you the  best hotels on route, keep the daily driving distances at an acceptable lenght, alway's make sure we arrange a private check in the hotel without the waiting lines and make sure the bar personell is ready for you at the end of the day.

Our expertise is also used in private events for companies, groups of friends or families. We cater your needs and are open to suggestions to improve our services. please let us know what we can do better for YOU!


Events where you make friends for life